Sunday, February 14, 2016

Sunday mornings...

Jesus Walks, Kanye West

I get it from her,  she was a planner...
5 year prior to leaving she planned and delegated that which she wouldn't be here to do...
The box was given to her from us, it sat on her dresser surrounded by a jewelry collection that far exceeded it's size...

It now contains a few pages of her daughter's journal...
sitting next to the elephant her granddaughter made for her about 26yrs ago, which contains the comb the granddaughter's mother used...

It is with joy I shared these moments with them.  And it is with joy I remember, my forever Valentines.

And so it go...
(Music box tune: Love Story)

Friday, February 5, 2016

One Love...

No Women, No Cry, Bob Marley

She celebrates his life, 
Not just today but coincidentally steered by the spirit of peace and love daily,
With passion she shares it with others.

She paint what she believes... 

I believe what she paints...

So with her, we shared our love and painted like adults...

My peace and me...

 (Photos taken at LaFate Gallery)